bienvenue – or welcome

Hello avid blog lovers or just people of the Earth! My name is Marissa Battaglia and I am a junior journalism major at SUNY Fredonia. I also have minors in French and English. For this blog I will be posting articles about how to be healthy. Whether it’s physical, mental or emotional, I’ve got it covered! I will post twice a week (or more).

I have been in sports my whole life so I know a lot of information about keeping fit but also having a busy schedule. Some current athletic activities I do now are field hockey and Zumba! I also do some other exercises in my room for strength and cardio. Yoga is also a great activity I do occasionally because it’s not too much on the body. Eating healthy is another great thing to keep up with so I will also touch base on that and also mental health such as stress relievers and how to keep a positive mindset.

I am so excited to start this blog and keep up with it! Please let me know if you have any article ideas or if there are things you would like me to talk about. My email is Thank you so much for reading this first post and I hope you continue reading!